Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Beautiful memories

 The friendship was so strong that even thought i dropped out of high school, all my friends who were studying drama and performing arts at school at the time had fun together. we all planned and went to the teacher's house in charge of the subject and not only had fun, but also discussed many topics related to the subject and exchanged information.

 So many of the sweet and immortal events that happened while we were discussing together, one of which was that my friends organized my birthday party at our teacher's how to surprise me. I am still very happy about the party they did without my knowledge and without my approval.

 They also did not forget their birthday this time. Although they could not get together due to the bad situation in the country, they made me happy to sing together through Zoom technology. 

Another memorable experience was when we all went to the Elphinstone Theater to see the king Oedipus play together. As discussed, getting on the bus that morning and getting on the bus while we were all singing and having fun was so close to us that it was so interesting.

 The play was performed in the evening, so we went to colombo early and wandered around unable to think of what to do. Then agreed to go to Galle Face and have fun. On the way to Galle Face, I had to turn around and ask for directions from various people and realized that the best solution was an internet map.

 When you think of having so much variety of food at Galle Face, you will not hesitate to have that experience again.

 It was time for the play to start so we had fun for two or three hours and got on the buses to hear from different people to go back to Elphinstone. When I got on the bus from Galle Face to Pettah, I was upset that my friend's wallet had been dropped off, but we all closed the bus. We got off the bus with the driver and conductor's scolding and yelled at our friend and went to look for the wallet. Eventually, we took the wallet we found at the location where the photos were taken and headed back to the Elphinstone Theater.

 The Elphinstone Theater was packed as we left. There was a crowd of spectators at the entrance to the theater with our tickets, but we all grabbed each other's hands and turned around and entered the auditorium. Even when it is  remembered, the smile cannot be stopped.

 Finally after watching the play the night dawned so we headed to Pettah with the intention of catching a bus very soon. We grabbed the last bus, got on it, and headed back home, remembering the day and promising to return on such a fun trip.


Violence Against Women

                                                          Not only Sri Lanka but also everywhere in the world’s women are facing violence i...